A woman sat on a bench overlooking the water

Musings from a Blind Man: The impact of our actions

Welcome folks to the latest musings of a blind man. This week’s edition is all about the impact of keeping up a brave face when deep inside you’re having a tough time! Last week was a mixture of highs and lows which, with this week being Mental Health Awareness Week seems appropriate to highlight to …

Continue reading Musings from a Blind Man: The impact of our actions

A large frying pan full of shredded meat on a homemade outdoor grill. The pan handle is being held in place by a stone pig’s head statue

Musings from a Blind Man: Blind Grillin’

There’s nothing like a warm Saturday afternoon to take advantage of sitting outside (albeit wearing a thick hoodie to combat the chill) with some music in the background and a large joint of pork smoking on the grill. Slowly cooking a side of meat takes a lot of time and patience and it is the …

Continue reading Musings from a Blind Man: Blind Grillin’

A three-way cross roads of faded green footpaths signs. To the left and right are footpaths and perpendicular to these is a bridle way

Navigating Sight Loss – 2 years on

It honestly feels that things have always been this way and, even though I have only just passed my second anniversary of being registered Sight Impaired, so much has happened that I often forget what life was like before. I promise you this piece won’t be about what a voyage of discovery I’ve been on …

Continue reading Navigating Sight Loss – 2 years on

A white Mazda camper van with the tailgate open and a large awning attached. In the foreground is the top of an extremely muddy golden retriever's head with his tongue hanging out.

Van life: Can this blind petrol head really be happy in the slow lane?

If someone had told me 6 months ago that I would be sat outside my 20+ year-old camper van at 8 o’clock on a rainy Sunday morning in early Spring looking out at the Brecon Beacons. I’d have laughed in their face. But, here I am, pen in hand, legs wrapped in a blanket and …

Continue reading Van life: Can this blind petrol head really be happy in the slow lane?

Letting the (brick) dust settle – Part 3: Opening up to nature

This week was an exciting one in the ongoing kitchen renovations as it came with the installation of one of the key components – bifold windows. The importance of this is twofold. Firstly, it demonstrates how big and bright the space will be and, secondly, it creates that direct link between the inside and outside …

Continue reading Letting the (brick) dust settle – Part 3: Opening up to nature

The sun reflecting off the open sea between Nine Wells and Solva, Penbrokeshire. The cloudless sky is bright blue and the sea is still, the sun is making a channel, reflecting off the water, in towards the coastline, breaking only around scatter rocks just off the shoreline which curves around in the distance on the right-hand side of the image

The bitterest pill – How one blind bloke is coming to accept his limitations

It’s a bittersweet time as I sit at the dining table of our holiday rental in a secluded area of the South Wales coastline, not far from the city of St. David’s. It’s Easter Sunday and we’ve just got back from a very wet and windy walk around the headland. The reason we’ve come to …

Continue reading The bitterest pill – How one blind bloke is coming to accept his limitations

Chris is stood, leaning against a railing with Cardiff Bay behind and the sun low in the sky.

From denial to acceptance: Coming to terms with disability

Originally posted in early December only a few weeks before discovering I was Severely Sight Impaired, this article discussed the various stages of grief that we go through after a traumatic event such as discovering you are losing your vision. Quick update - As my vision continues to deteriorate I am constantly readjusting and resetting …

Continue reading From denial to acceptance: Coming to terms with disability