A man working on a tablet at a table with a cup of coffee beside him

Being visually impaired in the digital world: The ever-increasing need for inclusivity

Close your eyes and pick up your phone then try to do something simple like open your messages and very quickly you will come a cropper as you stab aimlessly on the screen and, if you do actually find the app you want, you probably won’t know because there won’t be any audible cues. Now, …

Continue reading Being visually impaired in the digital world: The ever-increasing need for inclusivity

Musings from a Blind Man: A late-night taxi ride home

I’m sat dozing in the back of a taxi, heading home after a late work event. Chester is laid on the floor next to me in the back of the comfortable MPV, exhausted after such a busy day. As we head on into the night my eyes flicker open and I attempt to gather my …

Continue reading Musings from a Blind Man: A late-night taxi ride home

A view from the window of a train travelling north to through southern Scotland. In the foreground is a river running through fields with rolling hills in the background

Twelve hours to Glasgow – One blind person’s account on travelling during a heat wave

What a week, after starting it with the hottest temperatures on record, I had the unenviable task of heading north for work. Whilst my colleagues all flew, I opted to catch the train because, although slower, having the choice between travelling by train or air with a visual impairment, I always opt to stay as …

Continue reading Twelve hours to Glasgow – One blind person’s account on travelling during a heat wave

An iPhone resting against a laptop screen, both screens are open at the Blind Man with a Backpack homepage. The laptop has accessibility software open showing a zoom level of 6x

The Cookies Banner and the Screen Reader – The ongoing conflict to make the Internet accessible to all

Recently I’ve been spending an extraordinary amount of time sat in railway waiting rooms and the usual way to pass this time is no different to anybody else - staring at my phone, browsing Facebook or Twitter, playing some random game, or simply doing a bit of online shopping. The difference is that I use …

Continue reading The Cookies Banner and the Screen Reader – The ongoing conflict to make the Internet accessible to all