A woman sat on a bench overlooking the water

Musings from a Blind Man: The impact of our actions

Welcome folks to the latest musings of a blind man. This week’s edition is all about the impact of keeping up a brave face when deep inside you’re having a tough time! Last week was a mixture of highs and lows which, with this week being Mental Health Awareness Week seems appropriate to highlight to …

Continue reading Musings from a Blind Man: The impact of our actions

Musings from a Blind Man: A late-night taxi ride home

I’m sat dozing in the back of a taxi, heading home after a late work event. Chester is laid on the floor next to me in the back of the comfortable MPV, exhausted after such a busy day. As we head on into the night my eyes flicker open and I attempt to gather my …

Continue reading Musings from a Blind Man: A late-night taxi ride home

A three-way cross roads of faded green footpaths signs. To the left and right are footpaths and perpendicular to these is a bridle way

Navigating Sight Loss – 2 years on

It honestly feels that things have always been this way and, even though I have only just passed my second anniversary of being registered Sight Impaired, so much has happened that I often forget what life was like before. I promise you this piece won’t be about what a voyage of discovery I’ve been on …

Continue reading Navigating Sight Loss – 2 years on